Thursday, June 18, 2015

Waiting for Obergefell

Obergefell v. Hodges is the case that will be in the history books, and the decision is expected within the next two weeks, and Jim Obergefell is waiting in line.
Arthur died from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS, or Lou Gehrig's disease) just three months after the two men married in Maryland in July 2013. They filed suit to try to force their home state of Ohio, where gay marriage is not legal, to recognize their out-of-state union by putting Obergefell's name on the eventual death certificate.

Though Obergefell, wearing a suit and tie in Washington, D.C.'s oppressive June humidity, was first in line – and empty-handed so that he could go straight for the front-row seats without stopping at a locker – his case was not one of the decisions released on Monday.

So, taking time off from his real-estate job back home, Obergefell will be back on Thursday. And again next Monday, and again and again every day the justices expect to issue decisions between now and when the court recesses June 30.
This is what we've been waiting for.  This is the end of the arc that I started with this blog back in 2009, with a challenge to Prop8 in the California Courts. 

It all comes down to this.

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